My grandfather introduced me to yoga when I was very young. He didn’t appear to be the yogic type but he would always do headstands whenever we went to the beach. One day he gave me a book on Hatha yoga that included asana, pranayama and meditation. I learned that yoga isn’t just about the postures we perform. There is something profoundly spiritual about it. Later in life I learned about the benefits of yoga both mentally and physically. I had many injuries throughout my life, I was even hit by car. I also suffered from depression and anxiety like so many others: even trauma. I used yoga as a way to heal from injuries both physically and mentally. I strengthened my mind and body through yoga to the point where I am no longer troubled by chronic physical or mental pain. In 2019 I was introduced to Sivananda yoga, a yoga style more like the yoga I learned as a child incorporating asana, pranayama, meditation and chanting. I learned how to cultivate my own spiritual practice through the 500 fully immersive hours at the Sivananda ashram in the Bahamas for my teacher training. I was also trained in chair yoga, Jappa meditation, yoga nidra and yoga Thai massage through the Sivananda ashrams and centers. I also took classes in Sanskrit, Vedantic philosophy, chanting and sound healing. I love to sing, play the guitar and write songs in my own free time. It is my goal in life to help others to cultivate their own spiritual practice and transform their lives through the power of yoga. Om tat sat.