Third Eye Yoga Collective

Workshop: One Pelvis - 8 Gates - Online Via Zoom
with Theresa Murphy


June 30 (Sunday)
at 2:00 pm (GMT-04:00)

Class length
120 minutes

One Pelvis - 8 Gates
Tight hips?  
Painful lower back? 
Painful hip or S/I joints?  
This workshop will offer insight into the full mobility of the pelvis and its parts. Three bones make up the bony structure of pelvic girdle –– with that, there's 6 joints (four synovial + 2 cartilaginous), plus the openings to the pelvic floor and the abdomen!  The most optimal scenario is that one can find a little bit of movement in alllll the places, rather than too much movement in one or two places, and stuckness in other places.  We'll play with small and therapeutic moves with the opportunity to pour that insight and access into bigger moves if you choose!   You'll leave feeling more integrated, fluid, and stable.  Stability comes from the relatedness in the 3 bones and the 8 gates!


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